
Eat right, stay fresh - A platform for healthy people.

Brief / This project is designing a 5 or 6-page website to enhance awareness about “eating health” 

Users / Young millennial in Boston with the age range from 20-30 who are interested in all types of workouts and eating healthy.

Channel / Webpage
This project was created in the Fall of 2019 during my Project Management Class. We were put into a group of 6 people and our mission was to create a platform to bring awareness to people about the healthy lifestyle. I was in charge of the Project Lead and UX/UI Designer for the platform.
The project lasted for 6 weeks and we discussed what was the biggest point of each week that we want to achieve in order to make this project successful
Week 1: Come up with user research
Week 2: Start planning the layout/colors/style of the platform
Week 3: Web designer will try to finish the basic layout with the content provided from content writers
Week 4: Revise with the team
Week 5: Finish the rest of the project and testing the user flow
Week 6: Revise again with the team to make final changes
Identify key questions such as "Why did you start to workout?" or "Do you know anything about nutrition?"

Talk to people in the demographics in areas such as school gym or runners at public parks
Most gym goers find meal prepping and cooking are the hardest part of the healthy life style. Meal prepping videos on YouTube are generally long.

Most people don't have much knowledge about nutrition and exercising, they usually Google what not to eat and then follow the instruction.